Friends and Supporters
Extensive research was undertaken into the requirements and expectations of prospective employers.
By assessing the needs of individuals and families who have become our clients, we have developed a program which is informative and practical, designed to build on existing skills and prepare each student for immediate employment.
Challenges and successes contributed by our working butlers ensure our program addresses real situations likely to be encountered by our graduates in the workplace. Our network of butlers is one of our great strengths and their combined pool of knowledge invaluable to the program's continuous improvement.
The continuing assessment, research and development of the course requires the input and advice of many contributors. Greatly appreciated assistance in preparing the curriculum has been provided by:
- Antony Davies for sharing his home, extensive collections and incredible knowledge of the care and maintenance of antiques with the School and its students
- John Cutler who shares his knowledge and experience as a bespoke tailor and allows students to visit behind the scenes
- Julian Bickersteth from International Conservation Services for his extensive knowledge of restoration and preservation
- Jon Osbeiston whose knowledge of wines is exceptional and whose wisdom and advice continues to be invaluable
- Helen Lynch who walked us through the shoals and potholes of the Government registration process and continues to contribute as a valued member of the Board of Studies
- Janine Joseph of Carla Florist, a great contributor who continues to support and assist
- All our butlers past and present who continue to ensure our program is current and applicable to the the workplace of the modern butler
Contact us for more information about our Friends and Supporters